

Texas Relic Hunt Field footage of relic hunting with Garrett AT PRO metal detectors on an 1800s-era Texas farm with recovery of musket balls.
South Carolina Lowcountry Hunts, Part 1 Field footage of Garrett AT PRO recoveries on private land, including footage from a 2011 organized relic hunt.
South Carolina Lowcountry Hunts, Part 2 Field footage of Garrett AT PRO recoveries on private land in South Carolina. Recoveries include Civil War minié balls, buck and ball loads, buttons and a 1891 V nickel.
South Carolina Lowcountry Hunts, Part 3 Field footage of Garrett AT PRO recoveries on private land in South Carolina. Recoveries include Civil War minié balls, buck and ball loads and buttons.

South Carolina Lowcountry Hunts, Part 4 Field footage of Garrett AT PRO recoveries on private land in South Carolina. We wrap up this 4 part series with more exciting discoveries, including a .69-caliber Gardner and an overview of some of the items found.
Old Lead, Wheat Pennies and Snake Boots Digging coins and relics with the AT PRO on a North Texas farm.
Fresh Water Hunting, Part 1 Jerry Eckhart narrates fresh water lake hunting for coins and jewelry with the Garrett AT PRO metal detector.
Fresh Water Hunting, Part 2 Hunting shorelines, below boat launch ramps and other exposed areas during a drought period.
Relic Hunting at a 1800s Home Site Searching and recovering relics near a rural home-site in the central area of West Texas.
Buffalo Hunters Camp/Battlefield Another Relic Quest Adventure From the Field. Brass cartridges, lead bullets, Civil War-era belt plates, military buttons, and other relics are recovered by a Garrett search team on a West Texas site where early 1870s buffalo hunters apparently clashed with Native Americans.
Southern Mississippi Relic Hunt Garrett search team recovers relics from Civil War site and from a river bluff where an 1800s courthouse once stood.
Aquachigger Video - An Interesting Civil War River Find Beau O. from MD recovers a Civil War artillery shell from a river using an AT Pro.


Aquachigger Video - Water Detecting Silver with the Garrett AT Pro Beau O. from MD recovers a rare coin from a river
Aquachigger Video: My best coin day...E.V.E.R... Beau O. from MD finds 6.5 pounds of rare silver coins in the river!
Relic Rookie Makes Big Recovery Coin shooter Bart Davis makes a great relic discovery with an AT Pro.

Uncovering History in Oklahoma Relics recovered from 1820s to early 1900s period include a cannon ball, Civil War bullets, military buttons, percussion caps and a metal type setting block with the design of Oklahoma's first flag. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Seeing Signs Pays Off...Twice! Two uncommon silver coins are dug by Evan G. of Oklahoma. He watches the ground and listens to the detector for telltale signs of long-forgotten home sites. This was Evan's first full day of relic hunting with the AT Pro.
Central Texas Group Hunt A group of relic hunters search in and around a 1860s-1870s era military camp site.
Roman Coin find with AT Pro International John H. of England recovers an ancient coin from a heavily hunted site near Corfe Castle.


Fresh Water Hunting in the Netherlands AT Pro International and AT Gold seen hunting in Holland along with some recent finds by two productive Dutch water hunters. A tip on how to recover a target with a long handled basket is shown.
UK Beach Hunting with AT Pro International John Howland of England offers his tips on using the AT Pro International for beach hunting on wet and dry sand. He describes his preferred settings, the use of Iron Audio, and his opinions on the detector's performance.
Searching for Ancient Coins in Belgium AT Pro International and AT Gold used to recover early hammered coins, Roman bronze coins and other finds in plowed fields of Belgium.
River Finds II Garrett hits the rivers again with relic hunter Beau Ouimette from Maryland. The search for Civil War artifacts turns up a U.S. breastplate, Confederate bullets, minie ball sinkers, and other relics. The second half of this episode features a "show and tell" where Beau gives a fascinating personal tour of his 2012 river relic finds, made with his AT Gold and AT Pro detectors.


Roman Cache! AT Gold and AT Pro International users search a plowed field finding Roman bronze coins, including a cache of 7 coins.
European Field Full of History A group of detectorist search a plowed field in Europe, finding Roman coins and relics using AT Gold, AT Pro International and Euro ACE metal detectors.
Scouting for Texas Oil Boom Relics The Garrett team searches a field near an early 1900s West Texas oil boom settlement, finding coins, tokens and relics using AT Gold and AT Pro.
Coin Shooter Spotlight Searcher Spotlight: The Garrett team follows Texan Bob Forston as he hunts with an AT Pro with a small DD coil. Bob shares tips on gauging target size, understanding audio signals, and using Iron Audio. We follow him on scraped lots, under bleachers, and in the park as he finds coins, silver jewelry and relics

Louisiana Relic Quest The Garrett team travels to bayou country in search of Civil War history on the well-hunted 1864 Battle of Pleasant Hill. Steve hopes to find artifacts where several of his ancestors fought with Texas-based Confederate companies. Stay tuned in to the end for a brief tour of an impressive private museum of Civil War artifacts from the Pleasant Hill battle.
Nugget Noggin Video - Amazing Coin and Relic Hunt with the Garrett AT Pros ! I have been metal detecting with my friends Chris Wiley aka "Fur" and Curt Hollifield aka "Kings Mtn Man" for the past few days. We managed to find lots old coins and some nice relics with our Garrett AT Pros. Check out the video to see what we found. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Colonial Relic Hunting In this Searcher Spotlight, the Garrett team follows veteran relic digger Dan Frezza and his friend Bill on a colonial relic hunt in Virginia. Dan offers tips for working such sites as the group recovers buttons, buckles and brass relics dating to the mid-1700s period. He concludes by showing some of his favorite recent AT Gold/AT Pro colonial finds. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Gold and Silver: Summer Lake Hunting Garrett's own Sue Wilson and new AT Pro owner Joline Cormier join us to hunt freshwater lakes in Texas. We visit swimming beaches to recover jewelry and coins. Includes tips for summer water hunting. (AT Pro and AT Gold)

Nugget Noggin Video - CANNONBALLS found in the river with Garrett AT Pro ! This was an AMAZING relic hunt. My friend Eric came down from Indiana to dig with me and we found a bunch of cannonballs in the river. It was his first time using the Garrett AT Pro and this convinced him to buy one for his self !
Urban Detecting What can you find where an old neighborhood has been condemned and torn down? This group of South Dallas searchers heads into an area to find out. (AT Gold, AT Pro and ACE 350