AT Gold-AT Pro Coin Hunting in Trashy Park Areas Pt 1 These detectors are used to find coins in areas of heavy iron trash, bottle caps, etc.
AT Gold-AT Pro Coin Hunting in Trashy Park Areas Pt 2 These detectors are used to find coins in areas of heavy iron trash, bottle caps, etc.
River Finds AT Gold river hunt with Beau and Dan in Civil War campaign area. Recovery of Spanish real, Confederate Gardner and Enfield bullets, artillery pieces, musket barrel, and more.
Ghost Town and Civil War Hunting with AT Gold Short clips of coins and relics recovered during first hunts with the AT Gold.
Brass Buttons Recovery of a Buffalo nickel, local South Carolina Palmetto button, and 1820s Artillery button with the AT Gold.
Uncovering History in Oklahoma Relics recovered from 1820s to early 1900s period include a cannon ball, Civil War bullets, military buttons, percussion caps and a metal type setting block with the design of Oklahoma's first flag. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Fresh Water Hunting in the Netherlands AT Pro International and AT Gold seen hunting in Holland along with some recent finds by two productive Dutch water hunters. A tip on how to recover a target with a long handled basket is shown.
Searching for Ancient Coins in Belgium AT Pro International and AT Gold used to recover early hammered coins, Roman bronze coins and other finds in plowed fields of Belgium.
River Finds II Garrett hits the rivers again with relic hunter Beau Ouimette from Maryland. The search for Civil War artifacts turns up a U.S. breastplate, Confederate bullets, minie ball sinkers, and other relics. The second half of this episode features a "show and tell" where Beau gives a fascinating personal tour of his 2012 river relic finds, made with his AT Gold and AT Pro detectors.
Roman Cache! AT Gold and AT Pro International users search a plowed field finding Roman bronze coins, including a cache of 7 coins.
European Field Full of History A group of detectorist search a plowed field in Europe, finding Roman coins and relics using AT Gold, AT Pro International and Euro ACE metal detectors.
Scouting for Texas Oil Boom Relics The Garrett team searches a field near an early 1900s West Texas oil boom settlement, finding coins, tokens and relics using AT Gold and AT Pro.
Bill Ladd Video: Garrett AT Gold "Iron Audio" Field Test at Colonial Cellar Hole Field tester Bill Ladd takes out the AT Gold to test the Iron Audio feature and small DD coil. He hits a "hunted out" New England colonial cellar hole and shows his results.
Louisiana Relic Quest The Garrett team travels to bayou country in search of Civil War history on the well-hunted 1864 Battle of Pleasant Hill. Steve hopes to find artifacts where several of his ancestors fought with Texas-based Confederate companies. Stay tuned in to the end for a brief tour of an impressive private museum of Civil War artifacts from the Pleasant Hill battle.
Nugget Noggin Video - Amazing Coin and Relic Hunt with the Garrett AT Pros ! I have been metal detecting with my friends Chris Wiley aka "Fur" and Curt Hollifield aka "Kings Mtn Man" for the past few days. We managed to find lots old coins and some nice relics with our Garrett AT Pros. Check out the video to see what we found. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Colonial Relic Hunting In this Searcher Spotlight, the Garrett team follows veteran relic digger Dan Frezza and his friend Bill on a colonial relic hunt in Virginia. Dan offers tips for working such sites as the group recovers buttons, buckles and brass relics dating to the mid-1700s period. He concludes by showing some of his favorite recent AT Gold/AT Pro colonial finds. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Gold and Silver: Summer Lake Hunting Garrett's own Sue Wilson and new AT Pro owner Joline Cormier join us to hunt freshwater lakes in Texas. We visit swimming beaches to recover jewelry and coins. Includes tips for summer water hunting. (AT Pro and AT Gold)
Gold and Silver II: Winter Lake Hunting Four searchers take advantage of the Texas droughts and dead of winter to hunt fresh water swimming beaches. It's Team Canada vs. Team Texas in a detecting contest to see who can find the most jewelry.
Urban Detecting What can you find where an old neighborhood has been condemned and torn down? This group of South Dallas searchers heads into an area to find out. (AT Gold, AT Pro and ACE 350 |